Sunday, October 12, 2014

Guns & Ammo

Iron; Repels the evil spirit but it's gotta be pure.
The Colt; Back in 1835, when Halley's Comet was overheaded, same night those men died at the Alamo, they say Samuel Colt made a gun. A special gun. He made it for a hunter. Story goes, he made 13 bullets. The hunter used it for a half dozen times before he disappeard along with the gun. They say the gun could kill anyting, like supernatural anyting...

Key of Solomon: It works, you get a demon in one, they're trapped. Powerless. It's like a satanic roach motel.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Tarot dates backs to the early christian era. When some priests using magic and a few of them veered into the dark stuff:
Necromancy and how to push death away and how to couse it. 
Use the black magic to ride the reaper.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Spirits - Ghosts - Poltergeist

Angry spirits born from violent deats.
Ghost activity or malevolent spirit = flickering lights, cold spots, smelly strong ozone, weird noises (scratching)...

If it's a spirit, it usually bound to a specific locale: A town, house etc. But a poltergeist can haunt a person instead of a place. Or a spirit can latch to cursed object, so it moves city to city with the object. 

Spirit latches on the repressed emotions, feeds of them. A few of them (vengeful spirits) known to latch on families, follow them for years, like banhees, angiaks... Basically like a curse.
Hauntings sometimes include bug manifestion.

Spirits can be dorment for years. Demolition or remodelling can awake spirits, make them restless.

Spirit don't exactly see the shades of gray.
And you don't break the curse, you run away from it.

Buckshot won't do much good unless if you use Rock Salt Shells... Salt being a spirit deterrant. It won't kill a ghost but it'll slow it down.

Find the grave (remains), salt and burn the bones and put it down.

Evil spirits cross over hallowed ground, sometimes there are destroyed.

Spectral entities can couse energy fluctuations that can be read with an EMF (electromagnetic field) detector. 

Hook Man (Urban Legend)

"Found the bloody body, suspended upside down"  that sounds like hook man.
It's famous.
Every urban legend has a source. A place where it all began.

Phantom scratches, puntures, invisible killer...
Maybe the hook man isn't man at all, maybe it's some kind of spirit.

"Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light" 

The Bloody Mary (Urban Legend)

According to the legend, the person who says "bloody mary" in front of mirror, gets it.
As far as legend goes, bloody mary scratches your eyes out. 

For a legend widespread, it's hard to know who really she is. One story says she's a witch, another says she's a mutilated bride...

Every version has a few things in common; it' always a women named Mary and she always dies in front of a mirror.

There's a lot of folklore about mirrors. They reveal your lies,  all your secrets... They're a true reflection of your soul, which is why it's bad luck to break them. 

An old superstition says, mirrors can capture spirits. So when someone died in a house, people cover mirrors so that the ghost wouldn't get trapped.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Devils and Demons

Every religion and word culture, has concept of  demons and demonic possesion.
If you're panicked, you're open for demonic possesion.
If possessed, he/she will flinch at the name of god.(latin:christo) 

An exorcism that's gotta work is: The Rituale Romanum
It's two parts: 
First part expels the demon from victim's body, it makes it manifest, which makes it more powerful. It doesn't need to possess anyone, it can just wreck havoc on it's own.
Second part sends the bastard back to hell, once and for all.
Demonic possesion leaves behind sulfuric residue.

Demons, they don't want anyting; just death and destruction for it's own sake.
For example :
Accordding to Japanese belief certain demons behind certaing disasters; both man made and natural.
One couses earthquakes, another couses diseases...   

There are signs (omens) to demon precense:

  • Cattle deaths,
  • Temperature fluctuations,
  • Electrical storms.
And they leave behind sulfur trace.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Women in White (Weeping Women)

It's a ghost story. Well it's more of a phenomenon, really. 
They're spirits.
They've been sighted for hundreds of years, dozens of places :
in Hawaii, in Mexico, in Arizona, Indiana...
All these are different women, but all share the same story:

When they're alive, their husbands were unfaithful to them,

and these women, basically suffering from temporary insanity,
murdered their children.

Then once they realized what they had done,

they took their own lives.

So now their spirits are cursed.

Walking backroads, waterways...

And if they found an unfaithful man,

they kill him.

And that man is never seen again.