Monday, June 11, 2012


Every culture has a shape shifter lore. Sometimes they are myhthologic creatures sometimes a fairy tale character. They has ability to deform and form into another. They are alike futuristic killing machine T-1000. They can figure animals or different kinds of living things. All the diffrent lores says the same: that they can only be killed by silver bullets. 

The Supernatural Tells us:
Animals can have a sharp sence the paranormal.
A lot of cultures bealive a photo can catch a glimpse of the soul.
A shapeshifter is some kind of a dark double of a person look like the person but it isn't (like a doppelganger).  That explains, how a person could be in two places at once.

It doesn't just look like you, it would be you or it will become you. It's like, it's downloading all your memories, thoughts... Like the Vulcan Mind Meld. 
So it won't kill it's victims on the spot. It would need them to be alive for keeping the psychic connection.

Evoluation is about mutiation, so maybe this thing was born human but was different. Hideous and hated. Until it learned to become someone else. He is all alone, close to no one. All he wants is for someone to love him.

Every culture in the world hass a shapeshifter lore. Legends of creatures who can transform themselves into animals or other man. Skinwalkers, werewolves...

When the shapeshifter changes shape, maybe it sheds.


No matter what kind of shapeshifter it is, there's one sure way to kill it:
Silver bullet to the heart.

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